Un/Natural Selections: Wildlife in Contemporary Art
May 22, 2021 - August 22, 2021
Un/Natural Selections: Wildlife in Contemporary Art considers the diverse ways that contemporary artists employ animal imagery to address humanity’s interconnectedness and ever-changing relationship with the natural world. Comprised of approximately 50 artworks (c. 2000-2019) exclusively from the Museum’s permanent collection, this exhibition offers a wide range of works in a variety of media divided into four thematic sections: Tradition, Politics, Science, and Aesthetics. These sections act as overlapping chapters, investigating the ways we use animal imagery to tackle human concerns.
This exhibition has been translated in Spanish.
Los animales salvajes han estado presentes en el arte desde que los artistas comenzaron a pintar imágenes en las paredes de las cavernas o a tallar figurillas en piedra. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, estamos atravesando la sexta extinción en masa, en una época conocida como Antropoceno, caracterizada por la influencia del ser humano sobre el medioambiente. En esta era, los humanos deben reconciliarse no solo con la idea de cómo sobrevivir en un entorno siempre cambiante, sino también de cómo mantener nuestra relación, en constante evolución, con la vida silvestre. Los artistas contemporáneos incluyen animales salvajes en sus obras para abordar una serie de cuestiones apremiantes, a la vez que continúan ampliando las nociones sobre el arte de la vida silvestre.
Compuesta exclusivamente de obras pertenecientes a la colección permanente del Museo, esta exposición ofrece una amplia variedad de obras en una diversidad de medios que se dividen en cuatro secciones temáticas: tradición, política, ciencia y estética. Estos campos actúan como capítulos superpuestos e investigan las maneras en que utilizamos la imaginería animal para afrontar preocupaciones humanas.

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Out of the Shadows: Prints from the Permanent Collection
Through April 27, 2025Dürer, Rembrandt, Goya, Picasso, Warhol—while many of the works in this show may be small in size, they are created by some of the biggest names in the canon of art history.
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Tony Foster: Watercolour Diaries from the Green River
Through May 4, 2025Artist Tony Foster became fascinated with the 50-million-year-old Green River fossilized fish when he first saw them in 1985. It was from these small special objects that he comprised the idea to make a group of artworks about the Green River. He began his project in 2018, creating a major painting of Steamboat Rock and the horseshoe bend from his vantage point up a 400 foot cliff. In the summer of 2019 he took a rafting trip from the Gates of Lodore to Split Rock, creating five smaller paintings en route. From these initial works he created this exhibition about, in Foster’s words: “this magnificent river.”
See the Exhibit